The Aliens are coming (for real this time!)

*Contains spoilers*

Awww. What a nice, friendly-looking Xenomorph. Look, he's even smiling! Probably just wants someone to pet him and cuddle with him☺Seriously though, he looks really amped to murder you slowly. At least they've included a warning... as if running away will help.

Fans of the Alien series can look forward to the next installment, Alien: Covenant, coming out on 19 May- a sequel to Prometheus released in 2012, which we assumed was a prequel to Alien. But it was more like a pre-prequel, and Covenant being the sequel to the prequel, could verily be the actual prequel to Alien. If this made your brain hurt, I don't blame you.

Prometheus itself received mixed reviews, but I frikkin' loved it. I guess people thought it was a full-on prequel to Alien and that it would explain everything...where the Xenomorphs came from, how the eggs in the derelict ship ended up on LV 426, how they were created, WHAT THE HELL THAT GIANT HUMANOID IN THE PILOT SEAT WAS etc. But then at the very start, the crew land on an entirely different planet to LV426.. LOL.

For me, Prometheus filled in a big chunk of the missing info though and I fully expected there to be another one, even two films following it before everything fully tied into Alien. This didn't annoy or anger me, just got me super excited to see how the rest unfolded. Admittedly, I went on a few forums to fully explain to me exactly what was happening in Prometheus. I think it's a movie you really appreciate after watching it multiple times, because you see things you missed the first few times of viewing. I learnt to love it more over the years and it's become one of those movies I can watch over and over and never get tired of. Poor Marc.

The visuals, the vast scenery, the journey spanning through the universe and crossing worlds! Ahhhh man...  it really was like we were part of the mission to LV 223 (which we assumed was the Engineers home planetlol), and the moment the crew prepared to land and we saw the unmistakably straight lined up was like we were for reals getting confirmation that we weren't the only intelligent life in the galaxy. FOR REALS.

Big moment for me /canyoutell?xD

Anyhow,  the setup for the rest of the movie was a nice, deceptively quiet to- a- point, but suspense- filled ride until...well, until shit hit fans and peeps die. But alas, it was not exactly the way we all thought it would pan out, but it was a great build-up to a prequel-sequel. I LOVED that the Engineer race wanted to send the evil goo cannisters to earth (we were like a weak, dumb species to them) to see what would happen. It was kinda funny when Dr Shaw had this realisation and was so cut up about it, and the whole time I was like WHAT DID YOU EXPECT, MAN. They're better than us in most ways, we were like a slave-race to them- yet our DNA resembled theirs closely enough for them to determine what the goo would do to them, but used us as guinea pigs.

Max respect to Dr Shaw though for the ultimate bad-ass way she survived it all. The uhm...foreign body removal scene... how horrifyingly hard-core and awesome. She was a bit of a meh character for me before then but this really helped me see bits of Ellen Ripley in her, if for nothing else but her determination to survive it all, and I ended up rooting for her. And David the A.I... by far the best character in the movie. Michael Fassbender in general though...I'll write a full post someday just on his movie roles alone.

I feel Prometheus was maybe a bit more 'elegant' than people expected of an Aliens- related movie. Alien and Aliens, even Resurrection had so many smart one-liners incorporated into video games, even songs over the years, and for me those smart-ass comments, little quips and witty dialogue between characters became typical of the Aliens franchise. Also, the military/ rag-tag aspect of the characters was also apparent in the older movies, yet in Prometheus, it was mostly scientists, biologists and geologists making up the crew. And it was a billionaire-led expedition with neat, streamlined technology and facilities. Nevertheless, I could really appreciate and enjoy the movie for what it was. Cos being open-minded helps.

Covenant's trailer looks like it's going to be non-stop action and horror, also what we've come to expect from the old movies. We see a crew land on the Engineers' home planet, where David and Elizabeth Shaw were headed at the end of Prometheus- except it's only David we see in the trailer. Hmmhmmm...where did Shaw go? Knowing the potentially malevolent intentions David possessed in Prometheus (he dropped some goo into Holloway's drink which REALLY messed him up), who can even say if he'll give the proper story as to what happened from the end of Prometheus to that point. In the trailer we see an actual bona-fide original Xenomorph, huzzah!! To what extent they actually appear in the movie, we have yet to see.

Anyhow, the cinematography looks pretty cool as usual. And the look is dark, danky and terror-filled ☺❤

So here's to waiting until May 19 to see what fare Covenant can offer us. At least it's not as long a wait as Star Wars: TLJ.  So many nice things coming out this year though!! Verr excite!

✌ PeAcE!


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