Baby Momma's Mommas
And suddenly...we're almost halfway through 2018. How?!?
It's also been 9 months since my last post, someone could've had a baby in that ti-OHLOL.
Time really DOES fly though, especially when my mind (as of March 2017) was completely occupied by all-things-baby, and then the actual learning to care for a human being once he arrived.
You guys who have yet to spawn a child... the anxiety levels are off the MF CHARTS when prepping for a new human, something that can only truly be understood when one is in that position. If you are first-time pregnant rn, I freakin' empathise with you so hard! Besides the ol' 'feeling like crap/ tired AF' for most of the gestation period, much of the stress I personally experienced was due to worrying if we'd have enough time to sort out things like getting the cot, stroller, carseat, clothes, nursery etc., not to mention the EXTENSIVE cost of all that, plus OBGYN checkups and blood tests, and then the actual event, aka The Birthing... *shudders* *cue Nam flashbacks*
Nevertheless, I calmly handled the pressure from all sides, as my body grew into baby blue whale proportions (also, I have a knack for looking super chill while panicking almost 90% of the time) and got on with the preps for the impending arrival. Eventually everything was sorted out and our awesome, funny, beautiful, perfect Adam David was born on 22 October 2017 ☺ The best description I can use for the actual birth event, is that it is a literal labour of love. Labour, because duh, and love, because no human in the history of Ever would be able to deal with that amount of immense pain and suffering if they didn't really, really care for the little person wanting to make their way out.
When they get out though, that's when the REAL anxiety starts (Ha!). To be honest, alot of it wouldn't be so bad, if it weren't for the constant tired haze most of us new parents experience. New baby= new sleep pattern= very minimal sleep. And if you're an avid napper as I once was many, many moons ago, you're really in for a surprise LOL. And then there's the uncertainty of everything. You constantly wonder if you're doing things the proper way, if you're bathing or holding them correctly, if you're hurting them somehow. Basically, you're paranoid about everything. But this is a completely normal feeling that most go through, and it really does pass as you get on with things.
The trick is to acknowledge from the very start, that you and baby are basically strangers who need to get to know each other first. You wouldn't normally just meet someone new and instantly know everything there is to know about them. Yes, you love the new lil' guy who was camping inside you for all those months, but it's going to take time for you to get to know his habits, his likes/ dislikes etc. And people don't realise this, and feel bad when baby cries or gets upset, as they think there should be an instant bond and this inherent knowledge of what to do at all times. Nope, not the case.
You're going to have to give yourself time to deal with (firstly) recovering from the birth, and then learning new baby's feeding/ sleeping/ pooping patterns, while trying to get some shut-eye whenever he or she naps. And a whole bloody host of other things. It's a constant learning process, and one should be kind to one's self and accept that it IS a process. Also, do not feel bad if you feel as though you want to run away for a week just to catch up on rest.
It's also ok to accept help (something I initially struggled with myself), and you should thank Zeus if you are privileged enough to have people who offer to watch baby for you. They are angels sent down from the heavens itself and you should bow down to kiss their perfect feet LOL. All jokes aside, these are now your favourite people TRUST ME.
As much as this time of our lives has been most exhausting and sometimes scary, it's also been the most fulfilling by a freakin mile. It's beyond amaze to see how baby develops from basically being a helpless, pooping potato to a chubby, laughing, milk fanatical giant baby (*coughs* ADAM *coughs*) with their own quips and quirks and personality. And personally, it's been super cool seeing what a sickeningly cute human we've managed to produce. I think we're both still amazed at times, at what a great combination we've somehow managed to make xD
Parenting man... it's not for the faint-hearted but it teaches you alot about yourself and the lengths you're willing to go for another human being. You think you know your limits until you have a kid and then you see what you're willing to forego (hint: whatever it takes), to keep baby happy and safe.
Anyhow, until next time.
(P.S. Obviously I wasn't going to leave without posting a brag pic of the lil' man :p Pic for cuteness below!)
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