How to dress your age...
I was about to begin with, 'I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't written in ages, zomg! Life has been crazy busy' etc. etc. And while this is true, aren't we all super busy, living out our manic lives day by day? So, I won't make any apologies for the absence, as I have firmly decided from the the very start, that I would never force myself to write just for the sake of writing and filling up space, but only when I felt super moved and inspired to. I reckon that's how we keep these things as fresh and (especially) as honest as can be, no?
As the subject of this post states, I have some thoughts on how to dress one's age, especially in this age of 'image is everything' and society judging one solely on outward appearance. Believe you me, these are very important and helpful tips for those who may be confused about what is frowned upon and what is ok. Here goes:
6. Shirt made of wasps... I caaaaaan't xD
So yes, as you can see, it's super important to adhere to above, were you ever contemplating one of these outfits :p
Apart from those, my personal rule is that you wear whatever you bloody well wish to, and feel comfortable in! It honestly still surprises me that so many people are fixated on what is 'acceptable' for them to wear at various ages. You literally have one life and it goes by in an instant.. why not wear the colourful pant suit? Or the fur-lined moccassins? You will probably rock the heck out of them anyway. And if your aunty, or cousin, or colleague has something negative to say, then so what? As long as it's what you're happy and comfortable in and makes you smile from your very inside, that's all that counts.
I absolutely love eccentric dressers... I believe they bring a smile to most people who cross their paths, and they just seem so... interesting, like they have the most interesting stories to tell.
Johnny has always been seen as an eccentric dresser and we've admired him for it. And other things.
Not to say that it's wrong if you prefer a more preppy or toned-down look. The point is to feel comfortable and happy in what you're wearing, but many people tend to shy away from anything that would make them stand out too much and in so doing, stifle their creativity. Fashion is art and anybody can express themselves.
Bow down, bishhhhh.
For years, I struggled to embrace my own sense of style (although I knew it leaned more towards the boho side), because I thought the things I liked were perhaps too out there, so I would try to fit in with a socially acceptable idea of what I should look like. But most of the time, I was absolutely not comfortable in my clothing and it showed, I'm sure. Today specifically however, I would describe my current outfit as a bit of a power 80's hair band look (especially the hair), bar the leather pants. But this is what makes me happy. I'm beyond chuffed that my workplace doesn't place too many limitations on their dress code. You just kinda can't wear shredded pants or flip flops but I think that's about it.
Anyway, I've included some pics of awesome, awesome 'daytime luxe' fashion- which is basically your everyday wardrobe stuff- sneakers, skinny jeans etc but with some glam additions. I guess you could say some of these looks are thrift stor-ey. Absolute LOVE.
That bag, that jacket... ❤
And then there was sport luxe. Seriously I want to absorb this pic into my aura.
Can I please have a bike that matches my outfit though?
This look is just life rn.
Luuuuuuush. Also, working it much?
If you wake up on Monday morning, and you're just itching to wear that statement pimp gold chain with your work staple pencil skirt, but then throw on some combat boots... DO IT. If you want to wear the oversized fur gillet with your everyday black leggings... please baby cheeses, I beg you to do it. As long as it's what makes you feel alive inside. The happiness you exude from being uncompromisingly yourself will show on the outside, and isn't true beauty from within? People will notice :)
I recently watched an episode of Fashion Police and...yeesh. The fact that there's a show with a panel of judges who feel they can either validate or slate people's outfits... I just have no words. But if I did, they would not be good >:( Shows like that are the very epitome of the superficial image obsessed, status-driven world we live in. Peh to that. PEH!
I haven't yet told Marc, but I think by now he knows me well enough to deal with the fact that he will be growing old with a funky AF boho aunty who does not give a hoot what people say about her outfit.
Ohey me in 40 years.
' Peasants.'
I leave you with this.
This ❤✌
I say adieu! x
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