Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi... hmmmhmmmHMMM

' Having taken her first steps into a larger world in Star Wars: The Force Awakens (2015), Rey continues her epic journey with Finn, Poe and Luke Skywalker in the next chapter of the saga.'-

As a Star Wars nut, I am absolutely LOVING the offerings we've been given since Dec 2015 with The Force Awakens and then ❤Rogue One❤ in Dec 2016 (Absolute LOVE).  After the desert period of Episodes I-III, it's been a delightful journey seeing the franchise come close (not entirely returned) to it's glory days of Episodes IV-VI...the iconic space opera that just, you know, shaped 3 generations of people existing on Earth right now.

So in 11 months, we can look forward to the next episode in the franchise (EXCITTTEDDDD). The title already has people buzzing and theories being flung around. The plot description itself (the opener of this post) doesn't really give much away, being a very summarised version. I myself have had some chats this morning with my buddy Janine, on what might be happening in the next ep.

'The Last Jedi'. This brings about the idea that the Jedi bloodline is coming to an end with only one more in existence. It could be terribly straightforward an explanation - Luke will be the last Jedi. In the opening crawl of TFA, it literally says, "...Skywalker, the last Jedi....".  Janine surmised however that the last Jedi could very well be Leia, as we're well aware that there was always talk of there 'being another'. The general belief is that Yoda was referring to Leia when responding to Obi-Wan's statement of Luke being their 'only hope'. If so,  this could have been a setup by Lucas to introduce Leia as a Jedi who at the time still needed to realise and hone her powers. Perhaps TLJ  will build on that setup- so Janine suggested.

There is another theory slightly more straightforward which suggests that Rey could be the Last Jedi. Makes sense after the events of TFA when she used her Jedi powers against Kylo Ren. Lucas clearly likes to portray the leading females in the series as strong characters, forces to be reckoned with. Wouldn't it make sense that Rey is indeed the last great Jedi, one who would be very powerful taking into account how she harnessed her powers with no training in TFA. For me though, it seems too straightforward...not very typically Star Wars-ey.

My theory differs greatly. What if Kylo Ren is converted back to the Light Side of the Force, to be Ben Solo? What if Leia seeks him out after he killed Han, and manages (with Luke, Rey and their accomplices) to turn him back? Janine argued that she didn't think that, that there always had to be a Sith/ villain behind the mayhem and that he would be it. Ok, fine..but maybe he is the villain in TLJ up until a certain point where he is converted back. I don't know why I have this niggling suspicion that may be so. But myself and Janine have since placed a bet on our theories and whoever loses buys the other a beer.

HOWEVER, Jedi could be plural as well as singular. So, the title could refer to the last group of Jedi before they die out. Could it indeed be Luke, Leia, Rey, possibly Kylo as per our theories? HOW AWESOME WOULD THAT BE??

We'll have to wait until December to find out of course, but until then, will have the funnest of fun times throwing more theories around. Maybe we're all wrong and Lucas is about to drop some unforseen mind-mushing shit in our laps. I'm ok with this, as long as it's worth the wait and holds true to the epic nature of the old episodes. I'm just asking for a smidge more that too much to ask? ;)

I have faith that we'll never have to endure Jar-Jaresque smut again. As much criticism as I have for TFA and even almost perfect-Rogue One, I absolutely enjoyed both the last 2 installments of the series and would probably question my existence, if TLJ were to revert back to Ep I-III levels of bad.

Please God no.

P.S. If Luke is murdered in TLJ, I can't be held responsible for the weeks of blubbering from my side thereafter. Not again. ( If he pulls an Obi-Wan disappearing act from the fabric of mortal existence trick, I'm all good. lol)



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