' You're going to be SO bored. You'll want to go back to work within 2 months.'
' Don't you crave a purpose (a job) to get up to each day?'
' Everyone is so jealous you're going to get to stay home all day!'

Those are just a few of the comments I received, when telling people I would be resigning to stay home with my son for a year while he's still little. Most reactions weren't super positive. I guess most people have their own perceptions or experiences that most times they will inevitably convey to you, whether it's just to forewarn you out of friendly concern, or whatever the reason may be.

I officially became a stay-at-home-mum toward the end of last year. I can honestly say the responses to my decision were... mixed. In addition to earlier comments, was the concern whether I'd really thought this through financially ( we, husband and I, had) and what I would do to pass the time. Because apparently, toddlers are easy work and can see to themselves? Lol.

Like I said, everyone has their own experiences, and hey, I'm just a few months in...maybe I am yet to have the urge to run back to my previous workplace, begging for my job back. But right now, I can honestly say this has been theeee most fulfilling experience. I  no longer have to cram a whole day's worth of attention and energy for Adam into the 2 hours he was awake after I got home from work each day. I now get to cook decent meals for us all and am saving alot on a cleaner.

That said, I am the busiest I've ever been...EVER. I realise now, going to work was like a little break from momming everyday. You actually have time to eat a meal, sit down and have a coffee, think etc. (Lol) My every waking hour is now completely consumed by Adam. Basically, I'm constantly on his watch and whim. At the end of each day, I basically pass out 2 seconds after getting into bed. And no, I do not nap when he naps (what a dream!... that time gets used for cleaning, washing, cooking and a myriad of other tasks that seem to increase the moment I complete one of them. Regardless, I absolutely love it. I love seeing him almost every moment of everyday, and as tired as I am, there is always the constant nagging thought that with every second that goes by, he is growing older and I really just want to make the most of each moment together.

On a more practical note though, I've had to up my foodgame when it comes to what he eats, firstly because he eats ALOT for someone so little. He hardly ever refuses food unless he's super full or doesn't like the taste- these both occur very seldomly.
Secondly, with me no longer working, it would be more cost effective to prepare meals, than buying them ready made. Like most moms, I prefer to give A meals with as little salt, sugar and fat as possible. Not in an over the top way, though. I'm not going to raise him vegan or anything.

Anyway, I recently rediscovered my Aguila oven dish which has been helping me loads prepping his meals. Mine's quite large, so the food is about 3-5 days worth. Awesome!

I buy the mini chicken breast fillets from Woolies, place them in a dish with veggies, add a bit of salt and pepper to taste and pop it in the oven for an hour. I then store them all in a sealed container, refrigerate and use as needed. You can serve it as is, or mix it with some pureed baby food to give it some substance. I usually do chicken but one can literally do any meat or fish, as well as potatoes and/ or veg. The best part is you're not using any oil to cook, and can add seasoning as you desire. Adam loves it though, and it really has made my time-starved life that much simpler.

(One could probably also freeze them in portions, and just heat as needed.)

Until next time however. Laundry calls!


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