How to dress your age...
I was about to begin with, 'I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't written in ages, zomg! Life has been crazy busy' etc. etc. And while this is true, aren't we all super busy, living out our manic lives day by day? So, I won't make any apologies for the absence, as I have firmly decided from the the very start, that I would never force myself to write just for the sake of writing and filling up space, but only when I felt super moved and inspired to. I reckon that's how we keep these things as fresh and (especially) as honest as can be, no? As the subject of this post states, I have some thoughts on how to dress one's age, especially in this age of 'image is everything' and society judging one solely on outward appearance. Believe you me, these are very important and helpful tips for those who may be confused about what is frowned upon and what is ok. Here goes: 6. Shirt made of wasps... I caaaaaan't xD So yes, as you can see, it's supe...